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Homeowners insurance often covers roof damage due to severe weather.

Expert Team

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Safe Procedure

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Best Quality

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Expert Team

Safety, security, peace of mind -- when damage to your roof leaves your family in a vulnerable position. Our team will make sure you're protected.

Storm Repair Services

We specialize in filing insurance claims to get your roof replaced.

Roofing Process

  • Free detailed roof inspection

  • Robust and detailed estimate

  • File insurance claim

  • Repair your roof

Delivering Exceptional

Roofing Services


Years Of Experience

Roofing Services

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Standard Working

Commercial Solutions

Awards Winning Agency

Industrial Solutions


Taking care of families and businesses, protecting homes and bringing value right to the homeowner's doorstep. Free estimate and quote within 24 hrs, hassle free.

Insurance Claims

Store Repair Services

Residential Roofing

Commercial Roofing

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Roof Evaluation

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schedule a free roofing estimate.

Why People

Choose Our Roofline

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Quality & Experience

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Certificate Company

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Why People

Choose Our Service

We have transformed the roof remodeling experience by prioritizing customer care and delivering our services with the utmost transparency.

Quality & Experience

Our top quality roofing material surpass

all standards of durability and eye appeal.

Customers Experience

Affordable quality solutions. That’s why

our customer’s love us.

How Does We Finished Our Projects

How To Started Roofing

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Project Analysis & Installations

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Final Step To Get Your Result

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How Does We Finished Our Projects

How To Started Roofing

With just 24 hours’ notice, our team will perform a full roofing audit to determine next steps for your property.

Project Analysis & Installations

Our project manager offers expert guidance and a realistic timeline to help set your mind at ease.

Final Step To Get Your Result

We will handle your roof, gutters, siding, or exterior paint needs to address all your project needs.

What client say about us

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and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been

he industry's standard dummy text ever since the

1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of

type and scrambled.


Darcel Ballentine

Barone LLC.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing

and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been

he industry's standard dummy text ever since the

1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of

type and scrambled.


Darcel Ballentine

Barone LLC.

What client say about us

Mike was great to work with and answered all of our questions. He was also responsive to calls and texts and I appreciated that quite a bit.


Jason N

Home Owner

Mike is freaking awesome to work with. He has taken care of every question I've had and saved me thousands in costs.


Daniel S

Home Owner

Frequently Asked Question

Will my insurance premium increase when I file a claim?

Usually, your insurance premium will not increase if the damage to your property was storm damage. However, the insurance company might raise the rates for everyone in your area for what they deem a “CAT'' or catastrophic event. So, if you have damage and do not file a claim, it’s possible your premium increase could pay for everyone else’s cost to fix their roof, but not yours.  However, you should always verify with your insurance carrier.

How long do I have to file a claim?

Typically, you have two years from the loss or from when you noticed the loss to your property. Check with your insurance carrier as some may have different terms than others. If you are unsure about the process of filing a claim, we will help you nail it down. We have years of experience working with insurance companies, filing claims, and getting our customers the best possible cost to install a new roof or make smaller repairs.

What if I have a mortgage on the house?

Your mortgage company requires you to have insurance on your home to protect their investment. Usually, if a claim is less than $10,000 and you are current on your mortgage, the mortgage company will sign the insurance check over to you to get the work done. However, when the claim exceeds $10,000 you will have to send certain documents to the mortgage company to have the funds released. Such documents could include a W9, contractor agreement, final completion documents, lien releases and any additional documents requested. Don’t worry, we have a complete office staff that handles all aspects of working with your mortgage company.

As the homeowner, am I allowed to keep the funds from the insurance claim?

Yes, you could keep the ACV (Actual Cash Value) portion of the payment and not do the work. However, you should speak with your mortgage company first, and with your insurer. Your mortgage company may escrow the funds until the work is completed.

Also, your insurer may request that you complete the repairs to continue coverage. In addition, if your roof is damaged again the insurer will not pay for any previous damage. We have found that replacing the roof is usually in the best interest of the homeowner and all parties involved. Also, if the insurer depreciated the roof you will not receive the RCV (Replacement Cost Value) of the roof, which could be a substantial amount of funds, until the roof is replaced. Typically, homeowners have 180 days to complete the work from the time the insurer pays a claim, but always check with your insurance company first.

How long will it take?

The average roof replacement takes one day. However, if additional damage is noted during the construction process, an additional day will be scheduled to complete your project. The longest part of the process is usually working with the insurance company to process and handle your claim, which usually takes 4-6 weeks from the start of the claim until you have all your paperwork in hand.

Should I get additional estimates for the repair?

You are welcome to get as many estimates as you would like, so feel free to do whatever you need to find the best roof installation cost possible. You should know that most insurance estimates are created by specific software your insurer will use, and we will use, too. The most important part of the claim is reaching an agreement on the scope of damage and the work to be performed. It’s important to find a contractor you trust to work with the insurance industry. Also, make sure the contractor knows and understands the insurance claims process. For example, if additional damage is found, what needs to be done? Who pays? Who handles all these problems for you? We do.

What warranties do we give to customers?

We warranty all the materials in your new roof with the manufacturers’ warranties. In some cases, we also provide additional warranties because of our certifications with specific manufacturers. In other cases, our warranties may depend on the location of your property, so make sure to contact an Ask Solar Mike sales representative to find out how long your roof will be covered.

Does Ask Solar Mike offer green roofing solutions?

Ask Solar Mike offers top quality solutions of all kinds, including products made of recycled materials. We are committed to saving the environment, one roof at a time! We also offer our customers solar reflective and energy-efficient roofing materials. If it’s within your project’s budget, we will install it no questions asked.

How will Ask Solar Mike help you?

We offer a free, no-obligation inspection of your roof by trained professionals to determine the scope of the damage. Why? Because establishing transparency and trust from the beginning is everything. Our team is careful to account for every bit of damage to ensure you receive a fair and honest roof installation costestimate. Then, we will assist you throughout the entire process and guarantee that the quality of our work always matches the quote we provide. Our clients are our top priority. Contact Ask Solar Mike today for your free roofing estimate.

Need Any Consultations Contact With Us

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Roof Evaluation

Click the button below to

schedule a free roofing estimate.

Mike Morris has been helping homeowners with solar systems and off-grid systems for 6 years. He has created custom solutions on homes ranging from:

1) $150,000 homes with 1,500 sqft that needed basic solar systems

2) To $30,000,000 homes with 22,000 sqft that required 155 solar panels, 28 batteries, 2 massive home backup generators, and multiple EV chargers to create a completely self-sufficient fortresses.

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Solar Solutions

  • Solar Systems

  • ​Batteries

  • Off-Grid Systems

  • ​​Home Backup Generators

  • ​EV Chargers


  • Free Quote

  • Insurance Claims

  • Gutters

  • Siding

Free Gift Cards

  • $100 Survival Gift Card

  • Energy Audits

Home Energy Audits

  • Energy Leaks

  • Thermal Imaging

  • Gas Leaks

  • ​​Insulation Audits

  • ​Moisture Detection

DISCLAIMER: The solar figures stated anywhere on this page are individual solar figures and marketing results. Please understand that solar figures are not typical, and we are not implying that you will duplicate them. We have the benefit of doing solar for 5+ years, and have an established following as a result.

>ABOUT THE STRATEGY SESSION: After completing an application, you will get the opportunity to schedule in a Strategy Session with a qualified person from our team. This is completely optional. The Session lasts about 60 minutes and if you do not want to work more closely with us, you can leave without buying anything. The Strategy Session will provide insights on your solar project and offer saving solutions that you will be able to implement right away.

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